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Edde's Italian Restaurant

1 out of 5 based on 1 user reviewwrite a review

600 N Congress Ave 110
Delray Beach FL, 33445

Tue11:00 am-9:00 pm
Wed11:00 am-9:00 pm
Thu11:00 am-9:00 pm
Fri11:00 am-9:00 pm

600 N Congress Ave 110, Delray Beach FL, 33445
18th Ave Nw & 13th St Nw


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About Edde's Italian Restaurant

Edde's Italian Restaurant, pizza restaurant, listed under "Pizza Restaurants" category, is located at 600 N Congress Ave 110 Delray Beach FL, 33445 and can be reached by 5612766547 phone number. Edde's Italian Restaurant has currently 1 reviews.

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Rating Based on 1 Review

Robert O.
May 2013
1 out of 5

This restaurant was a complete joke. My friend and I went for their advertised lunch special. 2 slices of pizza and a soda. $3.50.


Examples of how cheap they are:
1) They give you a tiny glass filled with ice and a really low amount of soda, and when asked for a refill, they want to charge you... get the F outta here with that nonsense!

2) Their red pepper flakes smelled like anything except red pepper flakes, and so when we asked for another container of red pepper flakes we got a similarly terrible container full of questionable red pepper flakes. How long does it even take for pepper to go bad?

3) When it came time to pay the bill, I gave him my debit card to pay our bill with and he said he would have to add $2.00 for me to use my card "because lunch specials must only be paid with cash". I checked the menu, it said NOTHING about an additional $2.00 charge for using plastic. The guy said it's fine, and THEN HE CHARGED ME THE $2.00 AFTER SAYING HE WOULDN'T CHARGE IT!!

This restaurant was completely empty when we walked in, and had 0 customers come in while we were there, at noon, when many dining areas have at least SOME business, but this place doesnt, because they suck. They pissed off their only guests, and had the face to lie to me, AND overcharge me. The place was dirty, the seats sucked, the condiments were garbage, and they over charge, and are cheap. Don't eat there. It's an annoying, uncomfortable experience. I hope they close down because they don't deserve to make any money.

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Edde's Italian Restaurant is currently rated 1 out of 5 stars.

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