Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634)

5 out of 5 based on 1 user reviewwrite a review

1818 Parmenter Street Suite 200
Middleton WI, 53562

1818 Parmenter Street Suite 200, Middleton WI, 53562


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About Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634)

Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634), mortgage lender, listed under "Mortgage Lenders" category, is located at 1818 Parmenter Street Suite 200 Middleton WI, 53562 and can be reached by 6085358543 phone number. Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634) has currently 1 reviews.

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Give to Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634)


Rating Based on 1 Review

Catherine F.
December 2021
5 out of 5
Customer Service

I am going to share why we went with Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate for our mortgage and why you should too.

As we searched for a home in this extremely competitive seller’s market, it was mandatory that we have a mortgage pre-approval before making an offer. We decided to contact three different mortgage companies- our bank who had handled our previous two home purchases, a credit union and, on our realtor’s recommendation, Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate.

Our bank had moved its mortgage department to out of state. We called the bank and set up a phone appointment for a specific time the following day. We sat patiently by the phone that day but no call came. We waited and waited and waited. No call. The following day I called our bank to complain about the lack of service and they transferred us to a man who took our call, apologized for the employee who was too busy to call us. He offered that everyone was very busy. Not a good first impression.

The second mortgage company was a credit union. Again, we set up a phone appointment. The specified time came and went as we sat by the phone waiting for a call that never came. We could not believe that our phone appointment was ignored again.

Tony Burns was a completely different experience. He promptly called us, answered our preliminary questions and set up an in-person meeting with us to discuss our situation.

You can guess who we went with- Tony Burns of course.

He continually worked with us on three different house offers adjusting each offer to the specific home we were trying to purchase. He and his team were patient, quick, responsive, hard-working. I know that he put in extra hours on weekends, evenings and holidays. I KNOW that no large bank or credit union would have delivered the service Tony did. We truly felt that Tony was working for us to get approval for the houses we were interested in.

Again, with the hot housing market, offers had to be in within a very short period of time after the house entered the market or one could miss out. Tony made sure that our individualized pre-approvals were in hand when we put in offers. I believe that if we had gone with a bank, the service would have been slower and we could have missed out on the home we were successful in buying. Thank you Tony and Rich and Melody Wirth (our real estate agents).

In our previous mortgages with banks we did not experience the close contact we had with Tony Burns. We felt like we were individuals not a number.

Not only was Tony Burns an extremely positive change from our previous mortgage brokers but Tony is a great human being and a fantastic family man. We felt like we got to know Tony as a human being and he got to know us too. How many people can say that about their mortgage brokers?”

Frequently Asked Questions about Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634)

Tony Burns at Guaranteed Rate (NMLS #285634) is currently rated 5 out of 5 stars.

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